To use maturity levels and unlock your assessment, we need to schedule a meeting and set the meeting type to expand the IT review standards.  The meeting creation is critical for the following reasons.

1. It tells the system which templates to use

2. It tells the system which reports to produce

3. It will allow you to select the right maturity level for your assessment.  No more one size fits all.

4. It allows you to close the meeting at the end of the period.  Lock in the scoring and data as a reference point, and then pull the data forward to the next meeting.

This became a mandatory step with the new maturity levels.  If you are an existing vCIOToolbox customer templates have defaulted to Level 1 so you will see all previous answers once you set up your meeting event.

These are the steps you need to take in order to unlock your questions within the IT Review

1. Create a meeting event and choose new meeting.

Image 1

Image 2

2. Build the meeting details

3. Select your meeting

This will then unlock your IT Review questions for use in your assessment.

Watch our webinar introducing the maturity levels for more detail