The customer policy manager includes a workflow where policies can be added, customized, sent for organization approval, and, ultimately, end-user signature.
In this article, we are going to focus on the policy approval process, which must take place before your policy is ready for distribution and signature.
1. Navigate to the Policy you want approved by the customer and click the Approval (Thumbs Up) icon to get started.
2. Enter the approval utility and select the policy approver(s) for the organization.
3. Send to the approver(s) and track the progress of the approval. Grey status signifies the approval is still pending.
4. The approver will receive an email inviting them into the customer portal so they can review and approve the policy. This will include a link to the customer portal and a temporary password. Their email address is their username.
5. Once in the portal the customer should navigate to Approvals and then click the link to the Policy to approve.
6. The user will be able to read the policy and then approve, adding any notes they would like to supply (optional).
Read the Policy
Approve the Policy
6. Once approved, the customer will see a success message, and the policy will be reflected as saved and completed within the customer portal.
Success Message
Saved and Completed
7. The approval will then show in the customer policy dashboard and you will see the policy status is now green. This is reflecting the document has been approved. You can then Approve the Policy and Distribute (click on button).
If you have any further questions please email