Policy Distribution and Signature require that the policy has been approved by the approver within the customer before the steps below can be executed.
If you do not see the icons for your policy in the steps below, please confirm that the policy has been approved. The link below will take you to that KB article, and you can review those steps if necessary.
Customer Policy - Approval Workflow
1. Once a policy has been approved, it can be distributed for e-signature and end-user acceptance. Approvals will be reflected in the attached policy in the State column. To enter the distribution utility, click on the check-mark icon on the shortcuts in the right-hand set.
2. In the distribution utility, choose the user(s) you want to review and sign off. Then click send for signature when you are ready to distribute.
3. Once sent, you will see the list of user(s) that received the document.
4. The end user will receive an email to review the document and e-sign.
Note: The users that receive policy documents to sign do not require customer portal access.
5. When the user clicks the policy link, they will be brought to a policy review webpage.
6. The user will see a signature box at the bottom of the policy document. The user can electronically sign and then save the e-signature to complete the process.
7. The user will receive a success message upon submission and recieve an electronic copy of their signed document via email.
Success Message after submission
Email received by the user with a downloadable copy of the document
8. In vCIOToolbox, the policy now shows an update in status, and the completed document can be viewed and downloaded.
E-signature validation data (Includes signer IP Address, browser data, and email and signature timestamps)
9. Once the policy document is signed by all distributed users the state will change to Finalized. The date will be updated to reflect the close of the policy review for that year. It can now be tracked and updated per any compliance requirements.
If you have any further questions please email support@vciotoolbox.com.